Friday, June 21 • 7:30 pm
Trinity Presbyterian Church
3115 Providence Road, Charlotte
Dario CASTELLO | Sonata no. 4 à due soprani, from Sonate concertate in stil moderno, libro II
Giovanni LEGRENZI | L’Obizza, sonata à 2. Violino e Viola da brazzo, from 16 Sonate op. 8
Domenico GABRIELLI | Sonata for violoncello & basso continuo in G
Alessandro STRADELLA | Trio sonata in d minor, IAS 32
Benedetto MARCELLO | Salmo XV (Psalm 15), from Estro poetico-armonico
George Frideric HANDEL | Sonata for violin & basso continuo in D, HWV 371
Antonio VIVALDI | Di Verde Ulivo, from Tito Manlio, RV 738
Guy Fishman, cello
Sponsored by The Chang Family
Members of Bach Akademie Charlotte Choir & Orchestra
Premium Reserved Seating: $50
General Admission: $30
“30&Under” (ages 18–30) General Admission: $15
Under 18: Free
This concert is approximately 75 minutes.
This concert is sponsored by Emily and Zach Smith
In the early to mid 17th century, the bulkiness of the cello—the bass member of the violin family—saw it relegated almost exclusively to an accompanimental role. Technical innovations made in the 1680s led composers to reconsider the instrument. This recital explores rich and powerful music before and after the recognition of the cello’s full range of expressive and virtuosic power. Guy Fishman is principal cellist of the Handel and Haydn Society, and is a Bach Akademie Charlotte Artistic Leader.
Saturday, June 22 • 7:30 pm
Monteverdi’s Vespers of 1610 >
Sandra Levine Theatre
Queens University of Charlotte
Friday, June 21 • 12:00 pm
The Monteverdi Experience II >
Saint Peter’s Episcopal Church
Friday, June 21 • 7:30 pm
The Cello, Ascending: The Rising Virtuosity of the Baroque Cello >
Trinity Presbyterian Church
Thursday, June 20 • 12:00 pm
The Monteverdi Experience I >
Saint Peter’s Episcopal Church
Thursday, June 20 • 7:30 pm
The Renaissance Motet >
Holy Comforter Episcopal Church
Wednesday, June 19 • 7:30 pm
Vocal Fellows Recital >
Holy Comforter Episcopal Church
Tuesday, June 18 • 7:30 pm
Bach, The Next Chapter >
Kathryn Greenhoot Recital Hall
Queens University of Charlotte
Tuesday, June 18 • 12:00 pm
Lunch and Learn >
Monday, June 17 • 7:30 pm
Lagrime mie: Songs of Lamentation, Disdain, and Renewal >
McColl Center
Monday, June 17 • 2:00 pm
Organ Masterclass >
Providence United Methodist Church
Sunday, June 16 • 7:30 pm
Bach’s German Organ Mass >
Saint Peter’s Episcopal Church
Saturday, June 15 • 7:30 pm
Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons >
Sandra Levine Theatre
Queens University of Charlotte
Friday, June 14 • 7:00 pm
Bach@The Brauhaus: Peter Blanchette >
The Pianodrome in The Historic Grace at the Brooklyn Collective-Charlotte
Artists, dates, venues, and repertoire subject to change