Sunday, June 16 • 7:30 pm
Saint Peter’s Episcopal Church
115 West Seventh Street, Charlotte
Johann Sebastian BACH | Clavier-Übung III (German Organ Mass)
Jonathan William Moyer, David S. Boe Associate Professor of Organ and Chair of the Organ Department at Oberlin College and Conservatory, organ
Van Ness Hamrick Organ, C. B. Fisk Opus 136
General admission: $25
"30&Under" (ages 18–30) General Admission: $15
Under 18: Free
(Note: The organ at St. Peter's is in the rear of the church.)
In partnership with the Charlotte Chapter of the American Guild of Organists
The Clavier-Übung III is a collection of compositions for organ by Johann Sebastian Bach, started in 1735–36 and published in 1739. It is considered Bach's most significant and extensive work for organ, containing some of his most musically complex and technically demanding compositions for that instrument. Its use of modal forms, motet-style and canons, hearkens back to the religious music of masters of the stile antico, such as Frescobaldi, Palestrina, and Lotti. But Bach was also forward-looking, and he incorporated and distilled modern baroque musical forms, such as the French-style chorale.
Jonathan William Moyer is the David S. Boe Associate Professor of Organ and Chair of the Organ Department at Oberlin College and Conservatory, and is organist of the Church of the Covenant in Cleveland, OH. He has also been a visiting-lecturer in organ at the Hochschule für Musik in Lübeck, Germany. He specializes in a vast repertoire from the renaissance to the 21st century, and has performed throughout the United States, and in Europe and Japan. The Baltimore Sun has described his playing as “ever-expressive, stylish, and riveting.”
Saturday, June 22 • 7:30 pm
Monteverdi’s Vespers of 1610 >
Sandra Levine Theatre
Queens University of Charlotte
Friday, June 21 • 12:00 pm
The Monteverdi Experience II >
Saint Peter’s Episcopal Church
Friday, June 21 • 7:30 pm
The Cello, Ascending: The Rising Virtuosity of the Baroque Cello >
Trinity Presbyterian Church
Thursday, June 20 • 12:00 pm
The Monteverdi Experience I >
Saint Peter’s Episcopal Church
Thursday, June 20 • 7:30 pm
The Renaissance Motet >
Holy Comforter Episcopal Church
Wednesday, June 19 • 7:30 pm
Vocal Fellows Recital >
Holy Comforter Episcopal Church
Tuesday, June 18 • 7:30 pm
Bach, The Next Chapter >
Kathryn Greenhoot Recital Hall
Queens University of Charlotte
Tuesday, June 18 • 12:00 pm
Lunch and Learn >
Monday, June 17 • 7:30 pm
Lagrime mie: Songs of Lamentation, Disdain, and Renewal >
McColl Center
Monday, June 17 • 2:00 pm
Organ Masterclass >
Providence United Methodist Church
Sunday, June 16 • 7:30 pm
Bach’s German Organ Mass >
Saint Peter’s Episcopal Church
Saturday, June 15 • 7:30 pm
Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons >
Sandra Levine Theatre
Queens University of Charlotte
Friday, June 14 • 7:00 pm
Bach@The Brauhaus: Peter Blanchette >
The Pianodrome in The Historic Grace at the Brooklyn Collective-Charlotte
Artists, dates, venues, and repertoire subject to change