Lagrime mie: Songs of Lamentation, Disdain, and Renewal

Monday, June 17 • 7:30 pm
McColl Center

721 N. Tryon St., Charlotte

John DOWLAND | In darkness let me dwell
John DOWLAND | Fantasia P6
John DOWLAND | Come, heavy sleep
Nicholas LANIER | Nor coms't thou yet (Hero's complaint to Leander)
Barbara STROZZI | Lagrime mie
Giovanni Girolamo KAPSBERGER​​​​​​​ | Passacaglia, from Libro Quarto d’Intavolatura di chitarrone

Luigi ROSSI | Lamento di Zaida moro
Alessandro PICCININI | Toccata VI, from Intavolatura di liuto e di chitarrone
Claudio MONTEVERDI | Voglio di vita uscir

Margaret Carpenter Haigh, soprano
Sponsored by Murray & Hazel Somerville

William Simms, theorbo

Premium Reserved Seating: $50
General Admission: $30
"30&Under" (ages 18–30) General Admission: $15
Under 18: Free

This concert is sponsored by Elizabeth and Mark Hindal

Margaret Carpenter Haigh and William Simms
Lagrime mie: Songs of Lamentation, Disdain, and Renewal explores the overlapping musical worlds of Elizabethan lute song and Italian recitative lament—featuring works by Dowland, Lanier, Rossi, and Monteverdi. Lanier’s expressive and expansive scena Hero’s Lament to Leander breaks the strictures of small form lute songs, channeling its heroine’s complex emotional shifting sands through the recitative style typical of the compositional and rhetorical frames imposed by contemporary Italian composers and pairs exquisitely with Rossi’s Lament di Zaida moro. The recitative lament as a genre is flanked by more restrictive, yet equally soul-baring musical forms, including Claudio Monteverdi’s Voglio di vita uscir, a curiously upbeat lament set over the ciaccona ground base, offering a shining beam of possibility and light in an otherwise dark world.

Praised as “fiery, wild, and dangerous” (Classical Voice North Carolina) with “a talent for character portrayal” (Chicago Classical Review), soprano and Bach Akademie Charlotte Artistic Leader Margaret Carpenter Haigh captivates audiences with her “flawless intonation” and “perfect vocalism” (CVNC). William Simms is an active performer of early music. Equally adept on lute, theorbo and baroque guitar, he regularly performs with Apollo’s Fire, The Washington Bach Consort, Tempesta di Mare, Modern Musick, Ensemble Vermillian, Heartland Baroque and Three Notch’d Road.

Upcoming Events

Friday, June 21 • 12:00 pm
The Monteverdi Experience II >
Saint Peter’s Episcopal Church

Friday, June 21 • 7:30 pm
The Cello, Ascending: The Rising Virtuosity of the Baroque Cello > 
Trinity Presbyterian Church

Saturday, June 22 • 7:30 pm
Monteverdi’s Vespers of 1610 >
Sandra Levine Theatre
Queens University of Charlotte

Concluded Events

Thursday, June 20 • 12:00 pm
The Monteverdi Experience I >
Saint Peter’s Episcopal Church

Thursday, June 20 • 7:30 pm
The Renaissance Motet >
Holy Comforter Episcopal Church

Wednesday, June 19 • 7:30 pm
Vocal Fellows Recital >
Holy Comforter Episcopal Church

Tuesday, June 18 • 7:30 pm
Bach, The Next Chapter >
Kathryn Greenhoot Recital Hall
Queens University of Charlotte

Tuesday, June 18 • 12:00 pm
Lunch and Learn >

Monday, June 17 • 7:30 pm
Lagrime mie: Songs of Lamentation, Disdain, and Renewal >
McColl Center

Monday, June 17 • 2:00 pm
Organ Masterclass >
Providence United Methodist Church

Sunday, June 16 • 7:30 pm
Bach’s German Organ Mass >
Saint Peter’s Episcopal Church

Saturday, June 15 • 7:30 pm
Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons >
Sandra Levine Theatre
Queens University of Charlotte

Friday, June 14 • 7:00 pm
Bach@The Brauhaus: Peter Blanchette >
The Pianodrome in The Historic Grace at the Brooklyn Collective-Charlotte

Artists, dates, venues, and repertoire subject to change


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