Kiri Tollaksen


Kiri Tollaksen


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Kiri Tollaksen enjoys a varied career as a performer and teacher. Equally skilled on trumpet and cornetto, Kiri has been praised for her "stunning technique, and extreme musicality," (Journal of the International Trumpet Guild). She has performed extensively throughout North America and Europe with numerous groups such as Apollo's Fire, Concerto Palatino, La Fenice, Folger Consort, Tenet, Green Mountain Project, Piffaro, Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra, New York Collegium, Huelgas Ensemble, Catacoustic Consort and Pacific Music Works. She has performed both at the Boston Early Music Festival, and at the Bloomington Early Music Festival, and she is a founding member of the ensemble Dark Horse Consort.

As a professional trumpet player, Kiri has performed with the River Raisin Ragtime Revue in Tecumseh, Michigan, and freelances throughout Michigan. From 1996–2005, she played the Eb soprano saxhorn with the Dodworth Saxhorn Band (a re-creation of a 19th century community brass band, based in Ann Arbor. Kiri is featured on Dodworth's CD, "Home Sweet Home.") From 1995-2004, Kiri was a member of the Greater Lansing Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Maestro Gustav Meier.

Kiri maintains a teaching studio in Ann Arbor, has taught cornetto at the Amherst and Madison Early Music Festivals and was on faculty at the Early Music Institute at Indiana Univeristy from 2006–2010. Kiri holds performing degrees in trumpet from Eastman, Yale, and a Doctorate in Musical Arts from the University of Michigan. Her discography includes recordings with the Huelgas Ensemble, La Fenice, Apollo's Fire, Piffaro, The New York Collegium, La Gente d'Orfeo, the River Raisin Ragtime Revue and the Dodworth Saxhorn Band.

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