Nicolas Haigh

Principal Organ/Harpsichord

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Prize-winning organist and harpsichordist Nicolas Haigh is currently Associate Organist at Saint Thomas Church, Fifth Avenue, New York City, where he appears regularly with the Saint Thomas Choir of Men and Boys. Prior to this he held positions with the multiple Gramophone Award-winning Choir of New College, Oxford; York Minster; Christ Episcopal Church; and Myers Park United Methodist Church. While in Oxford, he worked closely with Robert Quinney (formerly Sub-Organist of Westminster Abbey and organist at the wedding of Prince William and Katherine Middleton), traveled to Vatican City to perform at a Papal Mass for the Solemnity of Ss Peter and Paul, served as organist of the city church, St Michael at the North Gate, and he frequently accompanied the choir of men and boys at Christ Church Cathedral.

Nicolas is a recipient of the coveted Limpus Prize from the Royal College of Organists. He was a student at the University of Cambridge, where he graduated with a degree in musicology and held the Sir William McKie Organ Scholarship at Clare College, accompanying the world-famous chapel choir for numerous international tours, concerts, and broadcasts.

Active throughout the United States as a historical keyboardist, continuo performer, and conductor, Nicolas appears regularly with American Bach Soloists, Oxford Bach Soloists, and is principal keyboardist and artistic advisor to Bach Akademie Charlotte. He is also the co-founder of early music consort L’Académie du Roi Soleil with which he has performed throughout the United States and the United Kingdom.

Nicolas has been privileged to perform as both a soloist and accompanist to countries including Australia, France, Italy, Hong Kong, The Netherlands, and Israel. He can be heard on numerous CDs including Veni Emmanuel, Imogen Holst: Choral Works (Harmonia Mundi USA), and two forthcoming CDs with the Saint Thomas Choir of Men and Boys. Nicolas has performed frequently on radio (BBC Radio 3 and BBC Radio 4) and his teachers have included Malcolm Archer, Clive Driskill-Smith, James McVinnie, and Jonathan Moyer.

Nicolas Haigh is a Bach Akademie Charlotte Artistic Leader.

Nicolas Haigh’s appearance at the 2024 Charlotte Bach Festival is sponsored by Murray & Hazel Somerville