Thursday, June 20 • 7:30 pm
Holy Comforter Episcopal Church
2701 Park Road • Charlotte, NC 28209
Giovanni Pierluigi da PALESTRINA | “Gloria” from Missa Papae Marcelli
Giaches de WERT | Vox in Rama
Giaches de WERT | Amen, Amen, dico vobis
Nicolas GOMBERT | Media Vita
Nicolas GOMBERT | In illo tempore, loquente Jesu
William BYRD | Ne irascaris - Civitas sancti tui
William BYRD | Agnus Dei from Mass for Five Voices
Hubert PARRY | Lord, let me know mine end, from Songs of Farewell
Bach Akademie Charlotte Choir
Vocal Fellows
Nicolas Haigh, conducting
Sponsored by Murray & Hazel Somerville
Premium Reserved Seating: $50
General Admission: $30
"30&Under" (Ages 18–30) General Admission: $15
Under 18: Free
This concert is approximately 60 minutes.
This concert is sponsored by Dr. Reta R. Phifer
An exploration of the Renaissance motet, as seen through the works of Monteverdi’s musical antecedents, counterparts, and influences—featuring works by Palestrina, Gombert, Byrd, and Gibbons. This program will traverse the gamut from the rhythmically taught and textually explosive Gloria from Palestrina's Missa Papae Marcelli to William Byrd's searing recusant motet Ne Irascaris–Civitas Sancti Tui. Choral fireworks abound in Orlando Gibbons' O clap your hands following the bittersweet foretaste of death in Gombert's Media Vita. Nicolas Haigh, Associate Organist at Saint Thomas Church in New York City and a Bach Akademie Charlotte Artisti Leader, leads the ensemble.
Nicolas Haigh serves as Associate Organist at Saint Thomas Church in New York City. Originally from the United Kingdom, Nicolas previously held positions with the multiple Gramophone Award-winning Choir of New College, Oxford, and York Minster. He is a recipient of the coveted Limpus Prize from the Royal College of Organists and held the Sir William McKie Organ Scholarship at Clare College, Cambridge.
Saturday, June 22 • 7:30 pm
Monteverdi’s Vespers of 1610 >
Sandra Levine Theatre
Queens University of Charlotte
Friday, June 21 • 12:00 pm
The Monteverdi Experience II >
Saint Peter’s Episcopal Church
Friday, June 21 • 7:30 pm
The Cello, Ascending: The Rising Virtuosity of the Baroque Cello >
Trinity Presbyterian Church
Thursday, June 20 • 12:00 pm
The Monteverdi Experience I >
Saint Peter’s Episcopal Church
Thursday, June 20 • 7:30 pm
The Renaissance Motet >
Holy Comforter Episcopal Church
Wednesday, June 19 • 7:30 pm
Vocal Fellows Recital >
Holy Comforter Episcopal Church
Tuesday, June 18 • 7:30 pm
Bach, The Next Chapter >
Kathryn Greenhoot Recital Hall
Queens University of Charlotte
Tuesday, June 18 • 12:00 pm
Lunch and Learn >
Monday, June 17 • 7:30 pm
Lagrime mie: Songs of Lamentation, Disdain, and Renewal >
McColl Center
Monday, June 17 • 2:00 pm
Organ Masterclass >
Providence United Methodist Church
Sunday, June 16 • 7:30 pm
Bach’s German Organ Mass >
Saint Peter’s Episcopal Church
Saturday, June 15 • 7:30 pm
Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons >
Sandra Levine Theatre
Queens University of Charlotte
Friday, June 14 • 7:00 pm
Bach@The Brauhaus: Peter Blanchette >
The Pianodrome in The Historic Grace at the Brooklyn Collective-Charlotte
Artists, dates, venues, and repertoire subject to change