Choral Scholars

An opportunity for undergrads to perform with professional musicians
In a cyclical partnership with regional universities, Bach Akademie Charlotte offers a tuition-free opportunity for undergraduate vocal students to participate in rehearsals and concerts alongside professional members of the Bach Akademie Choir and Orchestra. The curriculum for Bach Akademie Scholars includes:

  • Participation in a full rehearsal and performance schedule,
  • One-on-one pairings with professional mentors, and
  • Opportunities to take a voice lesson and/or receive a coaching from members of Bach Akademie Charlotte’s roster of artists.


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Educators seek opportunities and experiences for their students that reinforce and enhance what is being taught in the classroom. That my students could participate in and learn from singing with the most experienced and sought-after early music musicians in the country was an opportunity for them beyond my imagination. The student's experience with BAC taught them more about the discipline of the art form—both practical and metaphorical—but more important, they came away with a greater love and appreciation for the music, a broader understanding of the meticulous stylistic demands, and a vision for what is possible for them as budding artists of the future.

Chris Gilliam // Assistant Professor and Director of Choral Activities //
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It’s been a great privilege to have such a fantastic, enriching choral experience at Davidson. There are always one of a kind opportunities right around the corner, and singing alongside the Bach Akademie ranks at the top. Being part of a professional ensemble with such exemplary musicians has shown me peak choral artistry. Words can’t describe how fulfilling it is to put on such high-fidelity work.

Roman Fenner // Student //
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The privilege to work not just under— but alongside— such accomplished musicians has been the highest honor, and I have learned so much about the art of performance that I would still not know if not for their example and gracious invitation.

Morgan Potter // Student //

Interested? Let us know.

If you would like to have your students considered for the Choral Scholars Program, fill out this form and we will be in touch with you.