A residency program for undergraduate music programs
Bach Akademie Charlotte is proud to offer a residency program in partnership with institutions of higher education around the United States. Through side-by-side music-making and joint performances over the course of a week-long residency, students gain valuable insight into the rehearsal process and performance experience of working with a nationally-recognized Baroque ensemble.
Students benefit from a variety of workshop and masterclass opportunities, including vocal and conducting classes, career roundtable discussions, instrumental masterclasses led by prominent Bach Akademie Charlotte musicians, and more.
The residency program is customizable so that we can create an experience that provides the best value for your students and your institution. To request a consultation and see how we can best work with your students, email us at .
Sample Residency Offerings
Conductor Seminars
Discover methods and techniques for preparing Baroque repertoire and working with period ensembles, as well as honing choral rehearsal technique and learning about historical performance practice.
Vocal and Instrumental Lessons and Coachings
Work with Bach Akademie Charlotte’s nationally-renowned artists for an individual lesson or coaching. Our artists are nationally recognized as leaders in the field of period ensemble music-making and offer a wealth of knowledge about technique, performance practice, language, and historical context.
• Score Study for the Choral Conductor
• Performance Practice of 17th-century German Motets
• Rehearsal Techniques for the Choral Conductor
• Career Development for the Conductor
• Workshop: Baroque Gesture
• Vocal
• Cello
• Continuo
Roundtable Discussions
Have an open discussion with our artists about their experiences post-university in a rapidly changing musical industry. Gain inspiration by learning about the wide-ranging careers our artists have curated, ask questions about performance practice in action, and get to know our musicians in a casual environment.
• Bach and Handel recitative
• Entrepreneurship and Career Development
Conductor Seminars
Discover methods and techniques for preparing Baroque repertoire and working with period ensembles as well as honing choral rehearsal technique and learning about historical performance practice.
Vocal and Instrumental Lessons and Coaching
Work with Bach Akademie Charlotte’s nationally-renowned artists for an individual lesson or coaching. Our artists are nationally recognized as leaders in the field of period ensemble music-making and offer a wealth of knowledge about technique, performance practice, language, and historical context.